故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁163&* 楊晉,生在世祖順治元(公元一六四四)年,江蘇常熟人,字子鶴,號西亭,晚年自署鶴道人,死年不詳,八十二歲尚在世,為王翬得意學生,畫山水清秀,曾參加繪畫「聖祖南巡圖」工作。其它如人物、花鳥、草蟲也都擅長,他的畫牛更為時人稱讚。 他的畫,大致說來,早年工細,晚年簡率,有時草草數筆,便能勾畫出對象的精神特質。本幅所畫梅和水仙,都是清雅之物,在他信手掃出,簡筆淡墨,特有一種清麗脫俗的氣質。 &*Ink Plum and Narcissus Yang Chin (1644-after 1726) Ch’ing Dynasty Yang Chin (tzu Tzu-hao, hao His-t’ing and later Hao-tao-jen) was a native of Ch’ang-shu in Kiangsu. The pupil of Wang Hui, he painted landscapes in a clear and elegant style. He participated in the Ch’ing court academy painting of the “Imperial Progressions to the South” but was also an able painter of figures, flowers and birds, and grasses and insects. His paintings of water-buffalo earned the particular praise of his contemporaries. It can be said of his style in general that in his early years he employed a skillful, detailed manner, while his late paintings and simple and free. Sometimes he wielded the brush in the freest possible manner, but he was even more skilled in the opposite technique of bringing out the special characteristics of his subjects through outline and minute detail. This painting of plum and narcissus expresses the purity and elegance of the subject through simple brushwork and bland ink which convey pure beauty and avoidance of the mundane.